12 月 202011

原文(source): 斷訊2小時 月租減5% – Yahoo!奇摩新聞

台灣新生報作者: 【中央社台北十九日電】 | 台灣新生報 – 2011年12月20日 上午12:02


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12 月 202011

原文(source): Scientific Linux Forum.org -> 3rd Party Repos

WARNING: These repositories are not provided nor supported by Scientific Linux. They are listed in a random order, and being listed earlier does not imply any particular merit to a given repository. Scientific Linux exercises no control (in what way) over the assertions of computability made by these sites. Many 3rd party repositories are mutually incompatible and will cause dependency issues and conflicts, as well as stability issues, if used together! If something from them breaks, you get to keep the pieces. Some of the repos, such as RPMforge, ELRepo, ATrpms and EPEL have their own mailing lists for support issues with their packages. Please read the details of each repo below.

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