5 月 312021

Source: 你知道 Android 手機也有安全模式嗎?進入移除被鎖定的 APP

在 Android 手機上,有一些改變鎖定螢幕、桌面主題等軟體會綁定你系統的某一項預設值,因此當你想要移除這些軟體時,會出現要你先解除某個預設值或鎖定,但大部份人應該都不知道要去哪裡解除這該死的設定,你知道電腦有安全模式,Android 手機上也有嗎?這些你被鎖定無法移除的 APP 其實只要進到安全模式就能直接移除,就跟在 Windows 系統下是差不多意思,往後如果安裝了某個 APP 移不掉,就先進安全模式吧。

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10 月 262017

Source: [Project Share] Toggle settings (e.g. location, mobile data, night mode, more) WITHOUT root

With recent versions of Android, a lot of previously easily toggleable settings are no longer available without root. This is a workaround method to be able to toggle many settings without root. There is however a decent amount of setup. You will have to create an app using Tasker and declare the appropriate permission for toggling secure settings. You will then need to explicitly grant permission to that app. This is to workaround Android's security policy on this permission. Ordinarily, you wouldn't want to grant this level of permission to other apps, but since this an app you're creating yourself, you don't need to worry about it. The actual toggling is done with Java calls.

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7 月 272017

Source: Tasker Set The Display Timeout to 1 Second (no Plugin, no Root)

Tasker's 'Display Timeout Action' typically only lets you set the Display Timeout to the minimum allowed by the device, which in most cases is 15 seconds (or sometimes 7), but many times you may want the display to simply turn off immediately. Especially useful for Actions that run when you're not around the device, or while you're asleep, etc.

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3 月 142012

原文(source): java作用域public ,private ,protected 及不寫時的區別 - 碳烤烏龜 - 無名小站

在說明這四個關鍵字之前,我想就class之間的關係做一個簡單的定義,對於繼承自己的class,base class可以認為他們都是自己的子女,而對於和自己一個目錄下的classes,認為都是自己的朋友。

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2 月 202012

原文(source): display current time and date in android application - Stack Overflow

String currentDateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date());

String currentDateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date());

String currentDateTimeString = DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date());

String currentTimeString = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());


2 月 122012

原文(source): android - Button and ToggleButton won't align at same height - Stack Overflow

I'm having troubles designing the menu of an application with XML. What I want to do is to have both ToggleButton and Button at same height, but the Button doesn't appear aligned. It's like if it had something invisible below it that makes it appear a little higher.

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