11 月 132008

電腦玩物: Google 官方發佈的 SEO 新手導航手冊 PDF,值得一看

如果你問我一般的部落格需不需要了解SEO(Search Engine Optimization 搜尋引擎優化)?我會這樣回答:假設你的部落格目標讀者包含了陌生人,也就是說你是想要寫給親友之外的那些網路上的人看的,那麼你就需要了解SEO。因為 你可以告訴親友你有了部落格、寫了新文章,然而你卻無法告訴還沒有遇到的陌生人你的文章存在的事實,而可以聯繫你的文章與陌生人的機制中最主要的就是搜尋引擎:「陌生人在搜尋引擎鍵入關鍵字,搜尋引擎將你的文章推薦給那位陌生人」。

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1 月 222008

My Personal Opinion - 90% of the Rankings Equation Lies in These 4 Factors
by randfish on Wed (9/26/07) at 12:50 AM


I think that sometimes, we in the field of search marketing try to make the concept of ranking more difficult than it really is. True - there are hundreds of ways to build a link, an infinite number of keywords, thousands of unique sources to drive traffic along with analytics, design, usability, code structure, conversion testing, etc. However, when it comes to the very specific question of how to rank well for a particular keyword in standard organic results at the engines, you're really only talking about a few big key components.

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