7 月 262018

Source: LVM error "WARNING: Inconsistent metadata found" – How to resolve in CentOS / RHEL

What is inconsistent metadata error

When LVM performs pretty much any action, it first scans all available physical volumes and refreshes its view of the volume group layout. Because multiple physical volumes can exist in the same volume group, it is possible to end up in a situation where these PVs in the same VG reflect different information. In most cases, this results in the warning message “Inconsistent metadata found” error while executing any command like vgscan, pvscan. For example :

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7 月 252018

Source: CentOS / RHEL : How to assemble a software RAID in Rescue mode

mdadm (multiple devices admin) is an extremely useful tool for running RAID systems. It’s is a tool for creating, managing, and monitoring RAID devices using the md driver. It can be used as a replacement for the raidtools, or as a supplement. The pos describes a way to assemble a software RAID in rescue mode.

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2 月 082010

[藍森林-自由軟件] - 一份非常內行的Linux LVM HOWTO- Linux

作 者: 謝啟發

1. 緒論

寫這個文檔的目的是為了告訴你什麼是LVM,它怎樣工作,你怎樣運用它使你的生活變得更容易。雖然有一份LVM FAQ,但仍是德文的,它是從不同的角度來描寫的。它是一份「真的」HOWTO,在傳授理解(有希望的)的時候也是非常內行的。

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2 月 082010

LVM技術介紹 - 『 LINUX交流/中標普華專區 』 - 中天在線論壇 - Powered by Discuz!


LVM - Logical Volume Manager 是Linux系統下最強大的磁盤管理技術之一.它將您從不得不思考物理容量中解脫出來,代之以邏輯形式來思考這些容量. 當您需要考慮如何替用戶數據和系統文件分配空間的時候,LVM可以讓您徹底忘記傳統的分區做法.

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