1 月 082024

Source: Unable to add old HostKeyAlgorithms Ciphers KexAlgorithms to sshd_config no hostkey alg error

Source: SSH connection fails with messages “no hostkey alg”

When attempting to establish an SSH connection, you might encounter an error message stating “no hostkey alg”. This is because RHEL 9 only supports SHA2 hashes for RSA host keys, hence they are incompatible with the old linux’s SHA1-based RSA host keys..

However, the old linux can connect to RHEL 9 using ECDSA keys:

ssh -o Hostkeyalgorithms=ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ServerHostname/ServerIP

You can add the following in /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/ssh_config:

Host ServerHostname/ServerIP
    Hostkeyalgorithms ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
12 月 232012

原文(source): SSH連接時報錯警告消息:Reverse Mapping Checking - Possible Break-in Attempt Error with SSH | 點滴之間 聚沙成金

這是告訴我們,儘管我們在連接my.example.com ,但是實際上該server的IP 地址對應到192-168-1-243.foo.bar.net 。但這個發生的時候,就是因為server 上的reverse DNS 沒有設置好。

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8 月 062012

原文(source): Learnosity Tech Blog : Windows File Sharing (SMB/CIFS/Samba) over SSH

While working with a client recently setting up a Netgear VPN so he could securely access his internal file server. The VPN setup was straightforward but every time the VPN client connected to the VPN server the VPN server/firewall would crash - leaving no connectivity.


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